
Saturday, June 8, 2013

From 3 to 4

My family went to Chicago in March of this year for a collective birthday present (all of us have birthdays early in the year). These are some pictures from our first day there when we visited the Field Museum. My favorite parts of the whole museum were the gem exhibit and the wide variety of birds they had. I loved this view out the window too. I can never get enough of snow.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Three for One

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday all rolled into one for this post.
Hmm. At least today I'm not procrastinating.

All three of these photos are from the same photo shoot that I did for my photography class. It was my self-directed assignment where I took the concept of Earth, Fire and Water and mixed them together. It was pretty fun.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Lazy Bones

I procrastinate.
There I said it.
At least I know it.
But I have plans to change that. I know this blog isn't exactly what you'd call important (especially as I have 0, yes ZERO, followers), but it is a start. So I'm thinking that I'm going to challenge myself here on Saturday June the 1st 2013 to do something I've never done before and been too scared to do. I'm going to post a picture on here EVERYDAY.
Yes I realize that's a big job. And I don't really care that no one is going to see it yet. One day maybe they will and maybe they'll be inspired to stop their procrastination too.
So I'll start with today and this lovely photo right down here.

This is currently the picture on my laptop and I kind of love it right now.
I took this in March when it was still cool enough I needed a leather jacket to be comfy while outside. I miss those days.